Hellgate – Sydonai Is Dead… Again!

At 1pm or so, my drinking buddy and I killed Sydonai again. This time, it’s the Elite mode Sydonai, which is supposed to be tougher.

In a sense, he was tougher. We both died like 3 or 4 times from his one single *swipe* at us. After a few rounds of running back to Hell from the St Paul station, we finally manage to down him. Our bots were spent, his heals were down to a few, armour torn and tattared, guns smoked from the excessive firing.

But, as the pic below shows, we took him out!

So, here we are again – back to nightmare mode. Only this time, it’s “Elite Nightmare” mode, which people have been telling us, is the hardest setting of all. But hey, we never expected to survive in Elite mode, let alone kill Elite Sydonai.

Maybe we can pull off another miracle eh?

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