Hellgate London – No More Character Wipe?

For those of you playing Hellgate London on Multiplayer, it appears that there might NOT need to be a character wipe when they patch the servers soon….

I don’t know whether to cry or laugh. On one hand, the character I created for Multiplayer was a “test” one, so if it gets wiped, no biggie. I didn’t really “play properly”. Now that there’s no wipe, I might have to kill this char myself and restart from scratch. Like I said, my online char is only level 4 so it’s fine to kill him off.

In any case, I can’t wait for patch 0 to arrive. The game does NEED some patching especially the “Activate The Oracle” quest. Seems like alot of people are having problems with it. If you’re one of them, read on:

  1. If you activate your Oracle and nothing happens, you must ABANDON the quest.
  2. Go to Green Park and talk to the quest giver again. Do NOT talk to him at Charing Cross!
  3. Once you get the quest again, activate the Oracle immediately in front of him.
  4. If you see the Oracle running off and humping the face of Technician 314, it worked!
  5. If nothing happens, repeat from step 1 again.

As for online play with Hellgate, I am really starting to enjoy it, although I haven’t finished Single Player yet. It really, really reminds me of what it’s like to play in an MMO, except in this case it’s free (and according to the sentiments of the players I’ve met online, they won’t give a cent to “upgrade” to a premium account). The best part of it is that a majority of the players are LOCAL, ie Singaporeans! Can use Singlish! Can play at same timezone! No more 4am raids! Yay!

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