Playing Assassin’s Creed On Old PC

Yeah I know, I can’t help myself. I just really had to go get Assassin’s Creed, even though I know full well it probably won’t run very well on my 5 year old gaming rig.

Now, remember that I was saying that Crysis is a very demanding game? Well, I take it back.

Update – I figured out why I was getting crappy performance . I had set the graphics options TOO LOW. I bumped the graphics up abit and the game suddenly became playable. My new entry explains why.

Assassin’s Creed takes the cake in “demanding”. Compared to Asassin’s Creed, Crysis actually ran pretty smooth for the most part on my PC, except for the irritating and incessant crashing to desktop. Asasssin’s Creed, however, is very stable. After being on it for so many hours (14 hours according to Xfire), it only crashed on me once. Yes, ONCE.

However, Assassin’s Creed makes my CPU beg for mercy. I have set the CPU temperature warning to a pretty high figure, and under Assassin’s Creed, my CPU temperature warning beep sounded. I was actually surprised to hear a new sound coming from my PC when I first heard it. I have never heard this sound before, and it’s not the usual “beep” sounds to indicate something is wrong. After I ran a temperature monitoring software and then checked my BIOS, did I realise that Assassin’s Creed really, REALLY made my PC cry.

Minimum spec according to the detection software that came with the game:

P4 1.9Ghz
nVidia 68xx series with 256MB VRAM

What I have:

P4 3.0Ghz Hyper Threading
nVidia 7600GT AGP with 256MB VRAM

As you can see, my rig, while it might be 5 years old, still isn’t “minimum spec” yet. Thus I happily installed the game. I was happy that the game auto-detected my settings at “medium” and set the resolution for 1280×1024, ie the maximum my monitor can go. Normally games tend to under-detect rather than over-detect, ie they normally set the settings to be under what your PC can actually handle. Normally I’d go in and adjust the settings manually after detection, to see just how far I can tweak it without the game bogging down.

Watch the video. Then you tell me if I should cry too.

After an initial run-through, I went back into the settings and set everything down to LOW. I lowered the resolution down to 800×600 too, but I found very little difference in performance if I were to set it higher to 1024×768.

Framerates were always under 10. Usually 3 or 5. When the scene shows more than 5 or 6 human figures, framerates dropped to zero. Yes, ZERO. FRAPS showed a big fat 0 on the screen. Actually it is not zero, but it becomes a slideshow. The next frame comes up every 2 seconds or so, so framerates technically should be between 0.2 to 0.5.

And, when framerates dropped to 0, the sound started to stutter. And I really mean stutter. If a character was saying “Hello there”, what I hear during zero framerates is something like “Hell.. hell.. hell… hell…. ello… ello… ello… lo th… lo th… lo th… ther… ther…. ther…. there… there….”

Well you get the picture.

The only good thing about having low framerates in this game is during fights – I can actually see which bad guy is starting to attack me and I have 3 seconds (between frame updates) to turn Altair (the main character, pronounced as “ohl-tah-ir” by other characters in-game) around to meet the adversary. Thus, while fights might be in “slow-motion” it gives me time to see the situation and act accordingly. Hence, Altair hasn’t lost a fight yet, and hardly ever gets hit 🙂

I went online to various websites, and it seemed the consensus is that Assassin’s Creed really needs a dual-core PC at minimum to run anywhere near “smooth”. So I guess that’s why my single-core, P4 3.0Ghz still couldn’t cut it even though it’s not minimum spec.

Guess I need to really get a whole new PC sometime pretty soon… as soon as I get a job, that is.

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The Crysis Is Over!

I’ve been quiet on this blog for a couple of days for one very simple reason – I was busy finishing up Crysis.

Late last year, I slowly drifted off playing Crysis due to many things. One thing I remembered when I was reformatting my PC earlier this year was – I will get back to it again, and thus I should keep my saves.

The thing about continuing from an old savegame a few months old is this – you tend to forget where you were, and what you did, and in some cases, what the heck the controls for the game were! This was true for Crysis. When I got back into it again last week, I truly forgot everything. I was even thinking whether I should start it all over again.

Then I decided to just stick it out and see if can remember. I’m glad I did.

Crysis is one very demanding game, seriously. During the last battle, against the giant boss monster, framerates slowed to a crawl, in fact. It was so slow, at some points in the game, I thought the game hung, because the screen would remain frozen, no sounds came, and it stayed like that for a good 15 to 20 seconds.

I was literally pressing a key, letting go, and seeing if it moved the screen 5 seconds later. Then I’d press another key, and see if the screen moved. The last final frantic fight turned out to be like Six Million Dollar Man – everything in slow motion. Press, wait, press, wait etc.

This problem is compounded by the fact that on my PC, Crysis seem to like to crash to desktop – a LOT. It can even crash as soon as I load up a savegame. Or, it can crash 10 seconds after I loaded a savegame up and trying to shoot/run.

The constant restarting of the game (not reloading saves mind you!) was really frustrating.

And, I had EVERYTHING on LOW! I even lowered the resolution down to 800×600, which was the lowest the game supported! Yeah, don’t try to play Crysis on a 5 yr old rig….

Well, sorry no videos this time around. Frame rates were so low, if I turned on video capture, it’d go into negative… 🙂

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GRAW2 – The Last Stand

“The Last Stand” had always been a popular search term to land visitors on my site. I am only guessing that many people are having problems surviving the first parts of this mission to proceed further.

Yup, in just a few short days, here I am again, at the last mission in GRAW2 – The Last Stand. The last time I was here, back in October 2007, I had so much trouble with this mission. I kept getting picked off, killed etc etc.

This time around, I came more prepared – now I picked a sniper rifle instead of an M8 Carbine (like I did back when I did this the first time around in October). Still, I lost Ramirez right from the get-go (a la Blackhawk Down). Ramirez was picked off as he decended from the helicopter right at the start of the mission.

If you look at the video of what I did this time around, you would notice I ordered my guys to go into Recon Mode instead of assault. This makes them stop firing (and giving their position away), and thus the bad guys don’t fire back from their machine gun posts.

So after I got my remaining guys to hide behind a bus and stay put, I just went around slowly picking off the bad guys with the sniper rifle.

After this, the rest of the mission was relatively easy. The only “hard” part after the initial bit is the “Defend the Border” thing, but once you order your guys to man the machine gun posts, it should be easy and straightforward.

So there you have it – clips showing you how I cleared the last mission this time around. Remember, I lost Ramirez right from the start, and I could still finish it. The last mission isn’t so hard – it’s just the beginning bit where you get picked off and pinned down that sucked.

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