Category Archives: FPS

Fallout 3 Coming In 60 Days

Image via Wikipedia I am sure many of you out there have played Fallout, and its sequel Fallout 2. I remember having a blast with both of them, and turning up the gore to see exploding heads and me shooting … Continue reading

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Bioshock All Over In 33 Hours

I don’t know whether to be happy or sad. I completed Bioshock in just 33 hours. For an RPG, it’s a damn short one. Seriously. The screencapture is taken from my profile page at Xfire. Eversince I joined back in … Continue reading

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Back On Bioshock

Yeah yeah I know I’m really late. Bioshock was released almost a year ago. They have even removed the install limit back in June! Now I’m only just starting to get into it. The reason why I stopped Bioshock last … Continue reading

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