Fallout 3 Coming In 60 Days

Fallout box artImage via Wikipedia

I am sure many of you out there have played Fallout, and its sequel Fallout 2. I remember having a blast with both of them, and turning up the gore to see exploding heads and me shooting arms and legs off the enemies.

For those who have no clue about the Fallout series, here’s a quick summary.

Fallout takes place in a post-nuclear near-future world. The whole art concept is very retro – 50’s or 60’s type. That’s when the nukes fell and people took refuge in bomb shelters called “Vaults”. Fallout series is an RPG, and in Fallout 1 and 2, the combat was turn-based. Meaning, you choose your actions, spend action points, then the computer will do the same for your enemies. You can take your own sweet time deciding what to do when it’s your turn to shoot.

However in Fallout 3, Bethesda (known for making RPG hits such as Morrowind and Oblivion) decided to make it into an FPS. Well, the best way to describe it is “Oblivion with laser guns”. Don’t take my word for it. Look at the video below:

Yeah my jaw dropped too. I am hoping that my current rig can handle it. However, it’s also not very expensive to get a decent dual-core system nowadays. I have calculated that it would cost about $800 or so to get an above-average gaming rig built from Sim-Lim.

I really can’t wait for Fallout 3 to be released. In fact, I might go as far as to say I look forward to Fallout 3 more than Diablo 3.

For those who are also counting down, here’s a widget that tracks the time to release of Fallout 3 below:

SpringWidgets IGN Countdown Promo IGN countdown to the latest video games.

Fallout 3 at IGN


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