Sex Scenes In Mass Effect

One of the more notorious parts of the game is definitely the promise of “mature” or “adult-oriented” scenes. First off, let me just state that it’s nowhere near as raunchy as many would expect, and certainly “tame” compared to the infamous “easter eggs” of Grand Theft Auto.

Besides, Bioware is in the business of making RPGs, not sex games.

Below are a couple of video clips showing the “sex scenes” available in the game. They may not be the only ones, since I have never played through Mass Effect with a walkthrough. All my playthroughs have always been through exploration and trial-and-error.

This is a scene where you can get very early on in the game, even before you leave the Citadel on your maiden flight as the captain of the Normandy. In my experimentations, you don’t need a high charm or intimidate skill to trigger this scene – merely to choose the dialog that says “Uh, thanks I think”.

This clip shows the more “famous” scene in the game. You get to this part when you finally steal the Normandy and head out to the Mu Relay to stop Saren from getting the Conduit in Ilos. This is the part where some players may have female characters and it will still “happen” if you never stopped the romance sub-plot in the game. You can actually search Youtube for this sex scene and see all the various variations that can take place.

In both cases, you can see that the actual deed is “suggested” rather than shown, although in the second clip, it’s more obvious what was going on. It’s certainly gratifying to see that some mature themes are presented in games nowadays. We have certainly come a long way since the early days of Karateka and Lode Runner, where we push square pixels around on the screen.

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