Category Archives: FPS

I Went And Bought Ghost Recon Gold Edition

Ok you might call me crazy, I don’t care. Yes, I was walking around Popular Bookstore today during lunch, and saw that they had Ghost Recon Gold Edition on sale! Naturally I grabbed it. Why would I want to play … Continue reading

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Quake 4 Video Captures

Quake4 – Aboard The Hannibal from FoxTwo on Vimeo . The above is a clip I captured in-game sometime back in 2006 or so when Quake 4 was first released. Why am I only writing about this now? Well, it’s … Continue reading

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Crysis Bug!

First of all, I’m actually surprised that the launch of Crysis in Singapore was such a hushed affair, what with all the hype surrounding its imminent release on 16 Nov 2007. I actually FORGOT about it until a week later, … Continue reading

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