Old RPGs?

I was just talking to my buddy last night about how great NWN2 is. I’m on my 3rd run-through in NWN2 as a ranger this time around.

My buddy can’t even play NWN2 cos his system specs aren’t up to it, and the latest RPG he can play is Baldurs Gate 2. That kinda reminds me… I have tons of OLD RPG games which I bought years ago, but never played/not completed/unopened due to time constraints. I thought to myself when I bought them – “I will play them when I have the time”.

I opened my cupboard when I got home. Yes, there they are, still sitting there… Baldurs Gate 2 is UNOPENED, Icewind Dale was opened once, long time ago, installed, and I even made a party of 6 and played like 15 mins in the starting area… then I quit and uninstalled it (due to time constraints). Fallout 2 was uncompleted – I can’t even remember why I stopped. I need to re-play that one, and since it’s been YEARS I totally forgot the story by now. Planescape – Torment is also uncompleted, but I need to find the CD first!

Now that I do have some time, my dilemma is – WHICH DO I INSTALL FIRST???

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