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3D Glasses 7600gt agp AI ArmA 2 Armed Assault Assassin's Creed assassin's creed 2 Bandicam Battlefield 2142 Bioshock Bioware bug COD4 Crysis Dragon Age Entropia Fallout 3 Far Cry 2 FRAPS Ghost Recon Gothic 3 GRAW GRAW2 Guild Wars Half Life 2 head tracker Hellgate Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mission nwn2 Oblivion Operating system Radeon 4650 Rainbow 6 social squad-based Star Trek Online tabula rasa TrackIR video video capture Windows XP Xfire
WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck and Luke Morton requires Flash Player 9 or better.
Category Archives: Simulation
Darkstar One
Back in the early to mid 80’s, an unassuming game hit the personal computer world – “Elite”. It had wireframe graphics, which was revolutionary at the time. It had SEVEN, count them, SEVEN different galaxies for you to romp around … Continue reading